Welcome to the Home of the Music Library Association Midwest Chapter
Member states in the MLA Midwest Chapter include: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin
NEW: The Midwest Notebook for January 2004 is now available at http://www.mlamidwest.org/Notebook/12.3.final2.pdf
Students: Apply for the Retiree’s Scholarship for funds to help you attend the conference.
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Our Midwest Chapter colleague & friend Leslie Troutman died on Sunday, 18 May 2003. A tribute to her by her colleague at the University of Illinois, Richard Griscom, can be read here: http://www.mlamidwest.org/leslie.html.
NEW: On 3 November 03: Soundclips of Leslie from the Chapter Oral History Project.

15 February 2003
UPDATE 17 May ’03 TAPS, MWMLA’s Technology, Archives, Preservation and Sound Committee, now has an informational website. Go to http://www.mlamidwest.org/tapsHome.htmTo be included in the MLA midwest automation directory project print this form (acrobat required), complete it, and bring it to the meeting in Bloomington. For those who will not be attending the meeting, please contact Patty Falk at [email protected] for more details.
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he webmaster, Rebecca Littman, Music Librarian at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, welcomes your comments and input. Feel free to email her.